by admin | Jan 27, 2017 | Product Research
This is a study by Dr. Balbir C Saini & Ar. Saubhagya Ethanol as biofuel Ethanol also known as ethyl alcohol, has been a part of human civilization from ancient times, though not as a transportation fuel. Mankind used it traditionally in the form of drinks and...
by admin | Jan 25, 2017 | policy, Social Research
HILL DEVELOPMENT AND ITS WICKED FACE It is a fact that there are more people living in India and China than rest of the world combined. If we scale all of the country’s maps based on the population. India will be the largest visible state on the globe. With the...
by admin | Jan 25, 2017 | Architecture, city, Social Research, urban
A Story is building Chitrakoot Myths turning into SPACES Tradition || Ideas || Built...
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